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hiking around kalliojärvi lake











This hiking trip takes us trough pine forests and banks of small ponds  to clear Kalliojärvi-lake. This lake has rocky banks from where you have nice view to the lake. During our  trip we will have a closer look for native plants. You may taste some of them and guide will tell you possibilitues to use them as food. Kalliojärvi-Lake is located to Lapakisto natural park. We hike around 10 km.

Trip duration is app. 4 hours. We are walking in variable ground, so you need to have suitable shoes. We have a break and some snacks on beautiful place. Snacks are included to the price.


Minimum 4 persons for this trip.

Price: 75,00 €/ person. Family price: 2 adults and 1-2 child 175,00€ / family. ( Please note the length of the trip app. 10 km.)



4-12 person



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